Released in 1988 in Japan as the Mega Drive (MD) and in 1989 in North America as the Genesis, the Sega Mega Drive is a fourth-generation 16-bit console and the successor to the 8-bit Sega Master System. The console was originally launched to compete with the Nintendo NES and the NEC PC Engine, however, it ended up competing with the Nintendo SNES.
- Initially sold for $189 in the US (1989) something like $470 in today's money
- It is estimated that it sold more than 30.5 million units worldwide
- There was a Mega Drive 2 console (released in 1993), however, the Sega community considers the original Mega Drive as the best MD console ever built
The Sega Mega Drive is a legendary game console that sold millions of units worldwide. Based on MC68000 and using a dedicated chipset for graphics and sound, the console managed to offer many arcade-perfect video games. Note, that there are multiple variations of the console from Sega but also from third parties.
- There are three regions for Mega Drive hardware {US, Japanese, and Europe/PAL}
- There are about 900 officially licensed games for the MD (not including the tiles released for the X32 and Sega CD)
- The Mega Drive can also play Sega Master System games (requires the Power Base Converter)
Tech Specs
- 2 CPUs (Motorola 68000 running at 7.6 MHz and Zilog Z80 running at 3.58 MHz)
- 2 sound chips: Yamaha YM2612 and Texas Instruments SN76489 offering 5 FM channels + 1 PCM channel
- 64 KB RAM plus 64 KB VRAM
- 512 color palette and 64 colors on-screen
- 80 hardware sprites (on screen) and multi-featured hardware scrolling
- Cartridge memory: 512–8,224 KB
- Enhanced with hardware expansions such as the X32 and the Sega CD
- Sega 315‑5313 VDP (Yamaha YM7101) graphics chip
- 64 KB VRAM is used to store graphics tiles, layers mappings, and horizontal scrolling
- 512 color palette (9-bit RGB)
- 61-64 colors on-screen
- Shadow/Highlight mode (1,536 colors)
- 80 hardware sprites on screen, 20 sprites per scanline, 16 colors per sprite
- Integer sprite zooming, sprite flipping, sprites can be combined into larger sprites and up to 1280 sprite tiles (80x 32×32 sprites)
- Vertical and horizontal line scrolling, column scrolling, parallax scrolling, line and row scrolling
Graphic Modes
- Basic resolutions: 320×224, 256×224 (NTSC), 256×240 (PAL)
- Overscan resolutions: 427×262 (NTSC) and 423×312 (PAL)
- Interlaced reslutions: 427×524 (NTSC) and 423×624 (PAL)
Sound Capabilities
- FM synthesis by the Yamaha YM2612 chip plus the Texas Instruments SN76489
- 8 KB audio RAM
- FM sample rate 52.781 kHz (PAL) and 53.267 kHz (NTSC)
- 6 FM channels as default (4 operators per channel, 24 operators total)
- 5 FM channels + 1 PCM channel as an alternative hardware configuration
- The third channel can enter a Special Mode where each operator has a different frequency
- The sixth channel can enter a DAC mode by streaming 8‑bit PCM sound to mix directly into the output waveform
- PCM sample rate up to 32 kHz
Hardware Expansions
- Sega CD (sold about 2.25 million units)
- 32X (sold about 800,000 units) -Featuring 2×RISC CPUs, 256 KB RAM, 256 KB VRAM, and 32,768 on-screen colors
Basic Add-ons
- Everdrive (SD-based storage module)
- Power Base Converter (allows the Mega Drive to play Master System games)
- Arcade Joystick and Steering Wheel
- Mega Modem
- Game Genie (cheat systems designed by Codemasters)
- J-Cart (ROM cartridge developed by Codemasters which allows 2 additional gamepad ports)
I/O Ports
- 2 joystick ports (on the front, male DE-9 controller ports)
- Cartridge port (on the top)
- Video-out (supporting RGB SCART)
- The modem port (also called EXT port)
Game Titles
- The Mega Drive has a software library of about 900 officially-licensed games
- There are additional releases for the Sega CD and 32X add-ons
- There are many homebrew games for the Sega MD, many of which are very well-made
- Sonic the Hedgehog sold 15 million units and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 sold 6 million units
■ Sega Mega Drive Games Console (c)
» Sega Saturn
» Sega Mega Drive
» Vectrex
» Atari Jaguar
» CD32
» Atari Lynx
» Game Boy