"Commodore 8-bit Computers - C64 the Cash Cow"

Founded by Jack Tramiel, in 1958, Commodore International was an American computer manufacturer. They released a wide variety of 8/16/32-bit computers, including the Amiga series of computers. Their most successful model was the C64 which sold more than 14 million units between 1982 and 1994.


  • Based on MOS CPUs
  • The C64 features 16 colors, 8 hardware sprites (24×21 pixels), and smooth screen scrolling
  • The sound chip is the impressive SID chip by MOS with 3 channels, 8 octaves, and 4 waveforms per audio channel (triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise)
  • The SID chip is included in the models C64, C128, CBM-II, and MAX


Colors & Graphic Modes

C64 Graphics & Video Modes

  • 320x200 pixels with 16 colors (HiRes mode)
  • 320x200 pixels with 4 colors, by allowing mixing colors (MCI Mode)
  • There are 5 additional video modes
  • Hardware sprites & hardware scrolling

C64/C128 Color Palette


C128DThe C128 was released in January 1989 (CES, Las Vegas). The key c128 hardware engineers were Bil Herd, Dave Haynie, and Frank Palaia.

There are three different models, these are their common features

  • MOS 8502 running at 2 Mhz
  • Zilog Z80 CPU running at 4 Mhz
  • A dedicated graphics chip called Video Display Controller (VDC) provides 80-column color video output (CGA-compatible display)
  • 128 KB of RAM (2x64 KB banks)
  • 72 KB ROM
  • The C64's Commodore BASIC 2.0 was replaced with BASIC 7.0
  • Fully compatible with C64 through 6510 CPU
  • Runs CP/M operating system through Z80 CPU
  • Capable of running the mouse-driven GEOS operating system
  • A software library of thousands of titles (mostly video games)

» Read the full Review of C128

Commodore 16 & Plus4

  • The Commodore 16 & Plus4 models offer a considerably better color palette containing 121 composite video colors
  • Hardware sprites & hardware scrolling

Commodore-16 and Plus4 Color Palette

Sound Capabilities

Commodore 64/128 includes the fantastic 6581 SID sound chip from MOS:

  • 3 channels (mono), ADSR-controllable
  • 8 octaves and 4 waveforms per audio channel (triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise)
  • 3 ring modulators
  • Multi-mode filter
  • The creator of the SID chip, Bob Yannes, was also involved in the creation of the Ensoniq 5503 Chip (DOC) included in the Apple IIGS


Commodore Sales Figures

These are some basic sales figures regarding the 8-bit Commodore computers.

Table: Commodore International 8-bit computers


Commodore 64/128

Binaryvalue.com 2022 (c) -Sources: c64-wiki.com, studiostyle.sk, c128.com, wikipedia.com



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